Puppy Products!
As you prepare for your new lives together, we have compiled some of our favorite products for you on one page!
These affiliate links on Amazon could give us a percentage back, but you are not paying any extra. Any commissions we make from these products will go towards a charity near and dear to our hearts! Please head to the bottom of this page to learn more about our chosen charity and learn about the past charities we've supported.
Here at the ranch, your puppies are raised on NutriSource Small and Medium Breed Puppy kibble. (For the puppies expected to be 45+ pounds: they would want the Large Breed kibble as the bites are a bit bigger.)
It is best to stay on this food for at least a month in their new home until you transition to a new food (if you choose). We recommend following the instructions on the bag to see how much your pup can eat on a given day.
If transitioning to a new food at any point, be sure to wean into the new food over a period of 10 days.
Food and Training Treats
Beds, Crates, and Play Pens
Cleaning Supplies, Sprays, and Potty Training
Grooming Tools
Toys, Chew Bones, and Mental Games/Puzzles
*Be sure to remove any treats and toys that have broken or gotten too small - choking is scary!*
Buy items appropriate for your dogs size.
Leashes and Leash Sleeve
Note from Kaitlin: My favorite leash is from Color Up Pet. They are durable, hand-crafted, biothane leashes! Flexible and soft, yet they can be hand-washed easily as needed. Their standard leashes come in 4, 5, or 6 foot options. You can choose from countless colors to showcase your dog's great personality! They also have collars and long leads (20-30 foot options)! (Not sponsored!)
Reading Materials
"Way To Go" is included in your Gotcha Day Bag!
I love the book "The Other End of the Leash" from Patricia McConnell. She trains, works with, and lives with border collies and has studied animal behavior on the collegiate level. This book helped me understand that while dogs and humans speak two vastly different languages, our common language is physical. By learning how to communicate with Bella physically rather than rely solely on verbal cues has been a game changer for us.
She has a variety of shorter form books as well, if this helps you over YouTube videos with lots of ads. This second row has them linked for you! I have not personally read them, but see they come with high reviews.
As someone who was nervous to bring in her first puppy by herself and learn how to train, I took in a lot of information and did loads of research before Bella came home! I hope this page helps you as you prepare to bring in your new Finney Ranch puppy.
Sophie and Madigan's Playground
Our Pack Leader Kaitlin will be running a 10k and a Half Marathon in support of this charity in February 2023! Learn more about her journey by clicking the link above.
*As this is our current charity, we will be donating the Amazon Associate commissions so you don't have to donate! 🐾